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A Custom Domain

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What is a custom domain? #

custom domain is a personalized URL for any website currently online on the Internet.

When you create a lifetime account with us, you get a default Esesito domain. For example, if you create an account for a business called ‘Alex Plants’, the URL for that website would be alexplants·esesitoweb·com.

However, with a custom domain, the same business could have the following URL: alexplants·com. The removal of the portion makes a custom domain stand out. 

Why is this valuable? #

Most businesses consider a custom domain as the first step toward creating a professional online presence for themselves. On this link, we have perfectly highlighted all of the benefits of having your custom domain, including but not limited to:

  • Maintaining brand ownership
  • Being memorable with customers
  • Competing with other businesses
  • Developing credibility with businesses and customers alike
  • Boosting your SEO

A custom domain can be selected by entering the URL of your choice in the domain search box on the Pro Features tab of your Esesito Business Hub.

Selecting a Custom Domain #

Please click here for simple steps to select your domain or check out the video below.

What if I already own a custom domain? #

If you already have your custom domain, that’s no problem. Upgrading to any of our paid plans will allow you to connect an existing custom domain of yours at no additional cost whatsoever.

Additionally, you can select a custom domain with us along with connecting your own, meaning that you can have multiple custom domains pointing to your website with us.

For more information on how to connect an existing custom domain of yours, please click here.

For more information on custom domains and the benefits that come with them, read this post from the Esesito Blog

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What are your feelings
Updated on 21 October 2023