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How to Manage Your Website Pages?

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We recently introduced advanced layouts, which allow you to display different pages on your websites. The content previously displayed on a single landing page is now distributed across multiple pages. Each layout has a different default set of pages, and a different combination of sections on each page. In this article, we will show you the steps to manage your website pages.

To enable advanced layout, click here for a step-by-step guide or see a quick tutorial below.

Once you have logged in to the Editor have selected advanced layouts in Theme, you can start creating multiple pages on your website and edit their content however you want.

As you have chosen advanced layout, the new Pages section will appear on your Editor.

Depending on the layout that you have chosen, there will be a selection of pages that corresponds with what appears on your website’s navigation menu. 

As you click on each page, you can customise the content you want to appear there. Follow our instructions in this article for a guide on how to add different sections and customise each page. 

How to add a new Page? #

To add a new page, simply go to Pages and click Add Page or Link.

Here, you can choose to add Spaces, Profiles, Media Collections or Links. 

In this example, we will select the Spaces option and use it to add Blog articles to this page. Type the new Page Name and click Add Section. 

Every page is fully customisable: from the page name to the order of different sections on each page. 

You can rename the page by simply editing the Page Title.

For more ideas and tips on how to add beautiful new pages to your site, checkout our bespoke articles on how to add different sections, such as Blogs, Profiles and Media Collections.

How to add Links to your websites? #

You can also add links to your website navigation menu with advanced layout. Simply insert a URL and you can use this to redirect your visitors to any desired websites. 

How to manage the website structure and navigation? #

With an advanced layout enabled, you can customise the entire menu navigation on your website. Your new navigation menu links to your website’s different pages, each with its sections. This makes your website faster and more interactive!

  • You can customise the position of the pages in the top menu navigation, re-arranging them to your liking.
  • You can also disable, delete pages or rearrange their positions on the top navigation bar of the website.

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What are your feelings
Updated on 21 October 2023