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Tips for building your Google Business Profile

One of the advantages of signing up to Esesito is that, once we’ve created your website, we list your business on Google Business Profile for you (if you’re a subscriber to one of our Basic, Plus or Growth plans).

However, there are a few instances when we are not able to build your GMB listing. Complete and accurate information is crucial, as Google can reject and disable listings with false or misleading information, as stated on their guidelines.

Check your eligibility

Please take into account that some business types are not eligible for GMB according to Google’s guidelines

  • Rental or for-sale properties, such as holiday homes, show homes or vacant apartments. Sales or leasing offices, however, are eligible for verification.
  • An ongoing service, class or meeting at a location that you don’t own or have the authority to represent.

If your business falls into one of these cases, unfortunately we won’t be able to create a GMB listing for it.

 Please, note that: You will receive the notifications on the email address and mobile number that you used to register your Esesito account.

Complete your business information

If we weren’t able to build your GBP, don’t worry! We have identified a number of reasons that can disrupt the process and compiled a list with the steps you can take to help us fix each error.

First of all, login to your Esesito Hub. Once you’re in, here are the things you need to check:

  • Business Name
  • Business Address
  • Areas Covered
  • Phone Number

Business Name

It goes without saying, but make sure that you use your real-world business name in this field, as it will also be the name used for your GMB. If you have a slogan that you want to display, some of our templates allow for a title and a subtitle.

Google won’t accept marketing taglines, shop codes, trademark and registered signs, fully capitalised words, opening hours information, phone numbers and website URLs, special characters (like %, & or $), service or product information, and location or containment information in this field unless it’s a part of your business’s real world representation. You can find examples of acceptable and not acceptable business names on Google’s guidelines.

To make changes to your business name, head to your website editor here. Once you’re there, head over to Sections, then to the Header section and amend your business name. Don’t forget to save the changes by hitting Save when you’re done!

Business Address

Whether you conduct your business at physical locations that your customers can visit, deliver your products to their doors or offer online services, we will need a business address in order to create a GMB. This is because Google requires one in order to verify your listing, so if you haven’t given us this information or it’s incomplete or incorrectly formatted, we may not be able to build your GMB.

It’s important to note that PO boxes and remote mailboxes are not allowed on GMB, and using these on your business address can cause the building of your GMB listing to fail.

Before you submit your address, make sure it’s complete, accurate and well-formatted. Remember to include street and number (if applicable), postal code, city, state and country. If you’re not sure how to format it, it’s a good idea to search it on Google Maps and follow the same style.

You can update your address on your website’s editor. Just head to your website editor here, then click on Sections and select Contact Me. Once you’re done, remember to hit the Save button at the bottom.

Areas Covered

If your business serves customers outside your main location, like a restaurant that offers delivery, an online shop that sends its products or a plumber that travels to the customer’s home to provide his services, you can substitute or supplement your address with this field.

Google only allows up to 20 areas, so if you’ve added more, your GMB listing could fail to build. You can add, edit and delete your areas covered in the same section as your address on your website’s editor. You’ll find the Areas Covered field right above Business Address.

You can set your service areas with postcodes, cities, and even countries, as explained on Google My Business’s help pages.

Phone Number

When you sign up to Esesito, we will ask for a contact number and whether you want to display it on your website or not. If you chose to hide it, your GMB should have been built normally. However, if you opted to share your phone number with your customers, it’s worth double-checking the following points:

  • The number you provided is from the same country as your business address.
  • The number is complete, with no digits missing.
  • If you’ve added more than one phone number, make sure that they’re all complete and correct.

To do this, follow the same steps as with your business address and areas covered. You can find the Office Phone Number and Mobile Phone Number fields directly below your address. When you’re done, save any changes you’ve made.

Hide your address and phone number

If your business operates remotely, you may not want to share your address on your website and on your Google My Business listing. Even though we require an address to be able to build your GMB, we offer you the option to hide your address.

All you have to do is open the Sections tab on your website editor, select Contact Us and toggle the Address visibility button on the top of the menu to turn it on (green) and off (grey).

If you turn it off, we will automatically hide your address on your GMB listing and display your service areas instead. If you choose to show your address, both your location and your service areas will be visible on Google Maps.

If you chose to display your phone number when you signed up, but have changed your mind, all you have to do is delete the number from the Contact Us section.

Remember to always save any changes you’ve made before you leave the page.

Need a hand?
If you need any further assistance, please message our support team or get real-time help on our Live Chat!

What are your feelings
Updated on 21 October 2023