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How to add a signature on your business email

An email signature is essentially the lines of text at the bottom of your outgoing mail. This signature can include anything from your name, website, company, phone number, or favorite quote. 

Not sure why you should add one? In a nutshell, signatures help your communications look more official, and makes it easy for a customer remember your business for future reference. 

Here’s how to add an email signature: 

First, click on the Settings icon on your email toolbar. You’ll find it on the right-hand side of your screen: 

Next, click on Signature and type your desired signature in the text field provided. 

We recommend you keep your signature to about five lines of text, max. 

When you’re finished adding your signature, hit Save.

Congrats! Your emails will now contain a professional business signature! 

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Updated on 21 October 2023