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Page Views

What are page views?

Page views are the number of visits your website gets by public users. If an individual is accessing your business website, regardless of their location or purpose, it will be calculated as a page view for your website.

You can check your page views and other important figures in the Analytics section of your Esesito Hub, which you can find within the My Customers tab. Here’s what it looks like:

Why is this valuable?

Page views are an important metric in measuring the popularity of your business amongst customers locally, and globally as well. The more page views you receive directly translates into higher customer traffic, and hence more sales/bookings for your business.

Along with page views, we also provide other important insights to complement these figures such as:

  • Source of origin
  • Unique number of users
  • Session duration

In case you missed it, the Esesito Blog has a series of posts that highlight some measures you can take to secure the success of your business online, specifically through getting more page views. You can see them below:

If you have any further questions, please feel free to speak to our team on Live Chat. 

What are your feelings
Updated on 21 October 2023